11 Ways to Encourage Your Child to be Physically Active


Table of Contents

  1. 11 Interesting physical activities for kids
  2. Why children fitness matters?
  3. Overcoming Challenges

Every parent wishes their child to be healthy and strong. One of the excellent ways to achieve this is by motivating them to be physically active from the preschool age. In this blog post, we will share 11 creative and enjoyable ideas to help your preschooler get moving and enjoy exercise for children.

11 Interesting physical activities for kids

  1. Exercise for Children: Make It Fun!
  2. The secret to making children excited about physical activity is to introduce fun to it.  Transform exercise for children into fun adventures and games. For instance, unleash your creativity and build an obstacle in the backyard or living room. Then, turn it into a “follow the leader” game with various physical movements. The only limit is your imagination!

  3. Physical Activities for Kids: Explore the great outdoors
  4. Nature offers many benefits of physical activities for kids. Share time with your child and take them for a walk in the park, a nature trail, or even a scavenger hunt. Most of these activities involve exercise but also foster an appreciation of nature.

  5. Kids Fitness: Dance it out
  6. Dancing is a brilliant kind of kids’ fitness that is fun and engaging. Play a couple of tunes and dance with your child. To make it more interesting, you can create simple choreographies together.

  7. Physical exercise for kids: Join in the fun
  8. Children consider their parents their role models and copy their behaviour. By doing physical activities yourself, you encourage them and set a positive example.

  9. Physically Active: Encourage active play dates
  10. Organise play dates that encourage children to be physically active. This might include playing at the playground, swimming sessions, or engaging in games such as soccer with friends in the backyard.

  11. Exercise for Children: Introduce sports
  12. Enrol your child in various sports activities to help them understand what they love. It is important to remember that games at this age are more of a social activity, and the spirit of competition should not be given too much importance. Some exercises for children’s games include T-ball, soccer, or gymnastics.

  13. Physical Activities for Kids: Use active video games
  14. Children should be discouraged from spending too much time on screens. However, active video games could be introduced on rainy days. Games that involve exercise, dancing, or simulation can get your child excited.

  15. Kids Fitness: Create a reward system
  16. Set up a reward system for kids fitness activities. Rewards need not be materialistic. It could involve getting stars on a board or additional play time. The idea is to cultivate positive attitudes towards exercise in kids.

  17. Physical exercise for kids: Make chores active
  18. Make the chores around the house a form of physical exercise for kids. Turn it into a game where making the bed is timed, or perhaps see who can clean up toys quickly. This makes your child exercise and learn some level of responsibility.

  19. Physically active: Schedule active time
  20. This helps create a routine and shows your child that physical activity is a priority.

    As with any other important activity that one has to perform every day, ensure that you allocate time to be physically active. This helps set structure and ensure your child understands the importance of routine and physical activity.  

  21. Physical activities for kids: Try new activities regularly
  22. Variety keeps children engaged and excited about staying active.It is advisable to change the suggested physical activities for kids regularly to avoid repetition and boredom. New activities could include going to a new park, learning about a new game, or hiking on a different trail. Newness keeps children engaged and interested in staying active.

Why children fitness matters?

Knowing various ways to support physical activity lets us understand why child fitness is important. Regular physical activity helps children in the following ways:

  1. Grow bones that are strong.
  2. Maintain a healthy weight.
  3. Improve cardiovascular health.
  4. Enhance coordination and balance.
  5. Boost self-esteem and confidence.
  6. Reduce stress and anxiety.
  7. Improve sleep quality.
  8. Establish social skills through group assignments.

Overcoming Challenges

Although so many fun ways exist to encourage kids fitness, it can sometimes be complicated. Here are some common challenges and how to overcome them:

  1. Lack of time: Include children’s physical activities in your day. Even if it is a few minutes of activity at a time with rest in between, it could be beneficial.
  2. Weather constraints: Arrange for indoor activities when it is rainy or cold. Kids can exercise anywhere if they use their creativity.
  3. Technology distractions: Set limits for screen time and prioritise physical activity over technological use.
  4. Lack of interest: Try many activities until you identify the kind that will grab your child’s interest. Just remember that kids’ fitness should involve fun, not a task.

At Mother’s Pet Kindergarten, we understand that children need to exercise at kindergarten. One aspect of our curriculum includes providing exercise to children through physical exercise lessons and breaks. We offer children a comfortable and safe atmosphere where they can select different forms of activities to foster their passion for exercising throughout their lives.

Motivating your child to be physically active is one of the greatest skills you can teach them. Introducing fun, varied and daily exercise for children also establishes a lifetime healthy pattern for living in your child.

With these 11 strategies, you are encouraging kids’ fitness. You are also establishing creative opportunities for education, nurturing, and evolving together as a family. Therefore, put on your shoes, go outside, and let the exercises begin! Your child will thank you for their health and happiness in the future.