At Mother's Pet Kindergarten, we pride ourselves on being more than just a kindergarten school in Nagpur; we're a vibrant community where academic excellence and joyous exploration go hand in hand. Our child-centric curriculum is a colourful tapestry, weaving together the essentials of early education with the magic of childhood.

Our approach is a harmonious blend of innovative teaching methods and sensory-rich experiences. Here, every story told, every song sung, and every game played is a stepping stone to linguistic prowess and cognitive development.

The playgroup stage at Mother's Pet Kindergarten is a time of wonder and swift growth, where children blossom linguistically through puppetry and music, and physically through dynamic outdoor play.

By KG 1(Junior KG), children are navigating the waters of literacy with the aid of MI Kids software and exploring the world of numbers with our unique numeracy booklets. KG 2(Senior KG) ramps up the journey, deepening literacy and numeracy skills and welcoming children into the world of the Hindi language.

Social and emotional growth is the heart of our philosophy. We create spaces where children can express themselves, grow in confidence, and begin to navigate the world as independent individuals.

At Mother's Pet Kindergarten, we're not just teaching; we're raising a generation of happy, confident, and autonomous learners ready to take on the world.

Why Choose Mother's Pet Kindergarten for Your Child?

Choosing Mother's Pet Kindergarten means choosing a world where education is not a chore but an adventure. Our scientifically crafted curriculum is tailored to nurture the whole child—developing language, motor, cognitive, and social faculties through sensory and play-based learning.

We have a landscape rich with creative thought and cultural diversity, setting Mother's Pet Kindergarten apart as a pioneer in early childhood education.

Unlocking Potential with Our Kindergarten Programme

Numeracy Skills: At Mother's Pet Kindergarten, numbers are playmates. We weave interactive play with practical math, transforming abstract concepts into tangible fun. With each game and puzzle, children develop a friendly bond with numeracy, embracing it with joy and ease.
Physical Development: Our playgroup is a dynamic playground where physical activity is celebrated daily. Skating and splash play enhance coordination and strength, while fine motor skills are refined through creative arts and crafts, setting the stage for a lifetime of active learning.
Social/Emotional Skills: Social and emotional intelligence is the heartbeat of Mother's Pet Kindergarten. Through team play, shared stories, and expressive arts, we cultivate empathy and self-expression, ensuring that every child learns the art of connection and the power of a kind word.
Cognitive Skills: Mother's Pet Kindergarten classrooms are laboratories for the mind, where curiosity leads to discovery. We encourage critical thinking and problem-solving, fostering a culture of lifelong learners who approach the world with wonder and intelligence.
In every activity at Mother's Pet Kindergarten, children are not just learning—they're experiencing the joy of growth in every aspect of their being.

List of Kindergarten Schools in Nagpur

Mother's Pet Kindergarten is proud to be the most awarded preschool in Nagpur.
Our focus is on providing a foundation for lifelong learning.

Wardhaman Nagar
Wardhaman Nagar
Khamla Square
Amravati Road
Amravati Road

Mother's Pet Kindergarten KG Admission Process in Nagpur

Embarking on an educational journey at Mother's Pet Kindergarten is as easy as A-B-C. With a parent-friendly and transparent admissions process, stepping into our world is a breeze:

Dive into the Mother's Pet Kindergarten experience through our website or visit our vibrant campus.

Begin the adventure by filling out the simple online application form, or by visiting our welcoming school office.

Provide the necessary documents to anchor your child's place in our family. (As stated in this page)

Fee Payment:
Upon confirmation of admission, complete the fee payment process as instructed. Secure your child's future with our easy payment options.

Seal the deal by submitting all documents and fees, and watch as your child's potential unfolds at Mother's Pet Kindergarten.

Join the Mother's Pet Kindergarten family, where every child's educational journey is a story of growth, happiness, and boundless potential.

FAQs about Kindergarten School in Nagpur

The Mother's Pet Kindergarten KG programme is designed to cater to young learners at various stages of their early childhood. Here is the age eligibility for each level:
KG 1(Jr KG): Welcoming kids born between October 1, 2018, and December 31, 2019. Fostering a love for exploration and discovery.
KG 2 (Sr KG): For those born between October 1, 2017, and December 31, 2018. Preparing for the leap into formal schooling.

At Mother's Pet Kindergarten, ideal facilities for a holistic kindergarten experience include a safe, nurturing environment, digital classrooms for interactive learning, and a variety of physical activity spaces like a swimming pool, skating ring, and sand pit. We also emphasize creative development with a soft toy zone and an auditorium for events. Safety is a top priority, ensured by CCTV on each floor and guards. Additionally, convenient transportation services are provided, reflecting our commitment to a comprehensive and secure educational environment for our young learners.

At Mother's Pet Kindergarten, we maintain an optimal teacher-to-student ratio to ensure personalized attention and quality education. In our KG I(Junior KG), and KG II(Senior KG) classes, the ratio is 1:15, with a team of three educators per section – a class teacher, a co-teacher, and a subject teacher. This structure allows us to cater to individual needs, fostering a supportive and effective learning environment for our young learners.

At Mother's Pet Kindergarten, the school timings for kindergarten are thoughtfully scheduled to suit the developmental needs of young children. Each level has specific timings:
KG I(Jr KG): 9:40 AM to 2:00 PM
KG II(Sr KG): 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM
These timings are designed to provide an optimal balance of learning, play, and rest, ensuring a nurturing and productive environment for our kindergarten students.

Yes, Mother's Pet Kindergarten provides transportation facilities. The transportation is equipped with essential safety features and is managed by trained professionals, reflecting our commitment to the well-being of our students.

Parental involvement is highly valued at Mother's Pet Kindergarten. We encourage parents to engage in various school activities, such as parent-teacher meetings, workshops, and special event days. We also provide regular updates on the child's progress and welcome parental feedback. Additionally, parents can volunteer for activities or field trips, fostering a strong community spirit and enriching the educational experience for all children.

Enrolling your child at Mother's Pet Kindergarten is a straightforward process. Interested parents can begin by filling out an application form available at our office or on our website. Necessary documents include the child's birth certificate and immunisation record. Once the application is submitted, our team will guide you through the next steps, which may include an informal interaction with the child and parents. Admissions are subject to availability and are processed on a first-come, first-served basis.

Kindergarten marks a critical step in a child's education, acting as the initial stage of formal schooling and laying the groundwork for future academic pursuits. It introduces children to the fundamentals of literacy and numeracy while fostering essential social skills through interaction with peers and teachers. As a nurturing space for emotional and cognitive development, children learn to navigate independence and enhance their self-confidence. The varied activities and play-based curriculum of kindergarten not only refine motor skills but also stoke the flames of curiosity and exploration, offering children a spectrum of learning experiences. The environment is tailored to prime children for the routines of school life, bolster language development, and encourage personal growth, thereby equipping them with confidence and a well-rounded foundation for the years of learning that lie ahead.
Our Other Programs

Our unique ZONE System, a dynamic and innovative method is designed to foster holistic development in children. This system incorporates a variety of interactive zones, each focused on different aspects of learning and development. From sensory play to creative arts, the ZONE System offers a diverse array of activities that stimulate cognitive, emotional, and social growth in a way that is enjoyable and intuitive for young learners. The emphasis is on making learning a delightful experience, encouraging exploration, creativity, and the natural curiosity of children.


Our Nursery programme is a tapestry of innovation, warmth, and growth. Our approach wraps language development with dynamic tools like MI Kids software, weaving stories and phonics into the fabric of learning. Numbers and shapes come to life through experiential play, making math a journey of fun discoveries. Cognitive skills are honed with engaging activities that tune listening and comprehension, setting a stage for a lifelong love of learning. And through art, craft, and physical play, we celebrate the joy of learning in motion.
