Rivers of India – A Concert Dedicated to the Rivers that Bring Life

The concert titled ‘Rivers of India’ was a harmony of rhythm, melodies, dance, and drama by the twinkling stars of MPK Khamla Square Branch. Parents watched in awe when they witnessed a spectacle of confidence, teamwork, synchronized movements, and of course, contagious smiles.

The concert commenced with an energetic performance by our Nursery children where they dramatized life in the Indus Valley Civilization along the banks of river Sindhu (Indus).

The way children performed with the Mayfair wheel is worth noting. The performance by our KG 1 children depicted the episodes of the playfulness of Krishna and his friends.

They also depicted the beauty of the Taj Mahal situated along the banks of the river Yamuna. Our KG2 children performed a musical drama to demonstrate the origin of the River Ganga from Lord Shiva’s Jaata. The girls then rocked the show by giving a scintillating aerial act. The boys handled LED rods with precision while performing the Tandav act.

The music, lights, and costumes were the icing on the cake. The additional props like makes, dhols, boats, and the electronic background brought the fictional world to life. The children’s dedication was evident in every performance. The concert was a huge success thanks to the tireless efforts of team MPK and the support of its parents.

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